Next Level Life Program

This is an amazing opportunity to identify and clear your own sabotages, attitudes and limiting beliefs with Barry using his own system of intuition, muscle testing and light body alignments.

US$1,000.00 / month for 6 months

Nancy Mathews, USA
Lars Rain Gustafsson

We are excited to offer you the complete life transformation package with 27 individual designed to transform your life and help you achieve your goals, Plus your opportunity to work with Barry Auchettl. The Block Buster, for 2 years. These programs cover a wide range of topics and offer a unique perspective on personal development, relationships, communication, and vision allowing you to reach your full potential in all areas of your life.

Here are just five programs included in the bundle:

Light Body Alignment

You can experience and learn a non-invasive balancing method that shifts and balances energy instantly, bringing about profound changes at the deepest levels. This program is designed to clear energetic sabotages and blocks, allowing you to move beyond old paradigms and beliefs that may be limiting you.

Clear Blocks to Wealth and Luxury

This is a special 7 weekly 75-minute class that identifies and clears conscious and unconscious sabotages and blocks stopping you from being wealthy and attracting luxury in your life. With this program, you can release limiting beliefs and attitudes around money and abundance, and welcome wealth and luxury into your life with ease and grace.

Global Vision Mentoring

This is an ongoing advanced life transformation program that expands your transformation globally by raising your personal vibration and frequency in the world. This program is designed to help you reach your full potential in the world, whether it be in business, relationships, or personal growth.

Conversations General Facilitation Training

Conversations: an inspirational game is an interactive board game that enhances relationships through genuine dialogue. With this facilitation training, you can become a Conversations facilitator and create a safe space for others to communicate from the heart.

Seeing Beyond 2020

This four-module program is an exploration of natural vision improvement processes and how we see the world. It offers a unique perspective on vision improvement, emotional connections, and the future of our vision.

Each of these programs has been carefully designed to provide you with the knowledge, tools, and inspiration you need to transform your life and raise your personal vibration and frequency to new levels. And as a total package, they offer even greater value and a comprehensive investment and approach to personal growth and transformation.

If you are ready to upscale your whole life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We would be happy to speak with you and help you decide if The Next Level Life Program is right for you.

“One of my clients that has been holding off is moving forward. it is a $30,000 project.”
Tamara Patzer, USA

“I started listening to Clearing Blocks To Money Flow and by Module #5, I received $30k as a gift. More than enough to pay off a couple of debts and ride this world wide financial contraction with ease, clarity, and inspired action. Thanx Barry!”

Alan Davidson, USA

“Big celebration Barry Auchettl! Received the first $15K private coaching client in a while yesterday!! On a payment plan but it’s $5K cash in already”

Serena Sandstrom, Australia

Each week, we look at specific aspects of money flow


Clear blocks to family and global beliefs


Clear blocks to competitive vs collaborative views flow of money


Clear blocks to accepting and deserving money flow


Clear blocks to money flowing in and out in balance


Clear blocks to surrendering to more money


Clear blocks to intuitive flow of money


Clear blocks to accepting more money from the universe

PLUS you will gain access to:

Seven 30 min live sessions

With Barry Auchettl, live to continue to clear your blocks in each session, as well as have Q&A.

(value $US497)

Clear Blocks to Making Money

10 focused statements to clear conscious and unconscious sabotages enabling you to manifest money in your life now!

(value $US97)

How much can you make when you clear your money blocks?

Included in this special offer:


Clear Blocks to Money Flow (value $US497)


PLUS seven 30 min live sessions (value $US497)


PLUS Clear Blocks to Making Money (value $US97)


US$1,000.00 / month for 6 months

Tuesday, July 21 at midnight Pacific time








“Whilst it’s hard to quantify my shift since “Clear The Blocks” as I do other things, I can definitely attribute more calmness and groundedness when I think about money.

Previously I used to have a lot of physical reactions like knots in my guts just attempting to imagine a greater abundance. Since the program I have felt that my decision making around finances has become easier and more certain.

Just recently I have made some grounded decisions in terms of my living environment and creating a “proper” workspace.

In sync with this is creating the environment to do more of what I love and receiving a greater income and abundance in my life.”

Nicholas Dob, Australia

“Barry’s money classes have opened up many new opportunities for me. While I’m focused on serving, clients are showing up easily and effortlessly. And, money is finding me.

It feels like everywhere I turn, it’s running towards me! Barry is the real-deal. Authentic, empathic, and grounded.“

Lara Jays, Florida, USA

“My first time through Clear Blocks to Money Flow, I had more that $12,000 appear in my life. Now, while doing it the second time, I have had something much more valuable show up – TIME.

I have added 2 new clients to my business, and still I have more time than ever before. Clearing Blocks isn’t just about money, it’s also about creating the life you desire.

I am super grateful for Barry and his Clear Blocks program!”

Michael LeValley, USA

“I was in Barry’s first class on Clear Blocks to Money Flow; and since then I have watched the course a second time.  I have noticed a lot of my negative beliefs around money have melted away, and I have a much healthier relationship with money which is means to my freedom, which is ultimately what I desire.  Since then money is flowing to me naturally and sometimes effortlessly.

I have also grown a lot as a person, where I can give more, share more, and also receive more.”

David Tong, Australia

“When I found out about the Clear Blocks to Money Flow program it immediately got my attention.  I loved how quickly positive shifts could be made. 

I am not somebody who wants to sit on a therapist couch for years and talk about where limitations came from so I was really drawn to this program. Even though I have a financially successful business and am in a good place with money, I was aware that I had blocks and limitations that I needed to release, even if I didn’t know exactly what they were. 

As I went through the program, I could see quick changes which included releasing resistance around money flow, positive changes in feeling supported by my business team, and the ability to realize that I am doing my best so I could stop being so hard on myself.   

I love Clear Blocks to Money Flow so much so that I want to purchase this program for some of my clients.”

AmondaRose Igoe, USA

“Before I watched the course videos, I’ve always been close to closing big deals but they always just seemed to get blocked one way or another and for all sorts of reasons.

After doing the course, I landed my first ever multi-million dollar deal within a few weeks. It felt like magic! Can’t recommend it enough to get yourself in alignment for what you know you can achieve.”

Steve A, UK

“While I have practised an abundant mindset for many years and enjoy a bountiful life, immediately after the first Clearing Blocks to Money session, unexpected money began to pour in.

Within days, we received a $6000 stimulus check deposited directly into my account when others who had filed before me never got one.

We decided to sell my car that I had bought new in 2008, since it was just taking up space in our garage for the last three months and I received twice the estimated value.”

Mark Portous, Florida, USA

Reserve Your Spot Today

Seats are limited to ensure a focused and interactive experience. This is your opportunity to start the year with clarity, alignment, and abundance.

How much can you make when you clear your money blocks?

Included in this special offer:


Clear Blocks to Money Flow (value $US497)


PLUS seven 30 min live sessions (value $US497)


PLUS Clear Blocks to Making Money (value $US97)


US$1,000.00 / month for 6 months

Tuesday, July 21 at midnight Pacific time








Extra Q&A